神秘庄园 1.6.2
更新时间:2021-07-06 14:13:27浏览次数:1+次
神秘庄园Mystery Manor是一款解密类游戏,玩家单独来到了一栋神祕宅邸,透过探索,慢慢了解屋中隐藏的不为人知秘密。开启游戏会先看到庄园的平面图,有厨房、客厅、以及卧室...等,新手任务中 NPC 会要求玩家协助找寻物品,并提示可取得该物的房间有哪些,然后前往探索。先点平面图上第一个要前往的客厅(living room)进入后,右上角会提示该房间指定寻找的物品,依场景不同,可能是面具、高脚酒杯、苹果、香蕉,必须在限制时间内收集完成才算过关。
- Meet maestro Johann Simmer! The Composer's Space in the Manor’s yard is now available to all players level 43+. However, this impressive genius won’t just rush to open his doors to you. He is used to working alone, so from time to time you’ll have to unlock his doors using Sound Waves of a certain frequency. Turn to the Composer’s friends, the Gifted Apprentice and the Seasoned Impresario, for help, and they will help you in generating these Waves.